Training in Renewables Energies and Sustainability
100% practical IN-PERSON Classes taught by Professionals in the Renewable Energy sector, Researchers and University Professors
Top 3
One of the best Master’s programs in Energy in Spain according to the annual ranking of El Mundo
The Master ERMA – Master’s program in Renewable Energies and Environment from the Polytechnic University of Madrid is an applied engineering program taught in Spanish focus on project and process. For any renewable energy source we estimate the energy resource and select the optimum components and systems, evaluating his technical, economic, legal and environmental viability.
The Master ERMA consider all forms of renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental impact assessment methodologies, using the tools, techniques and software from top companies in the renewable energy sector. Scholars from academia come together with professionals and scientifics from top companies and national world classs cientific institutions where our students undertake their internships.
The high-level of technical content, experimental case studies and learning methods of Master ERMA provides students with the knowledge, techniques and tools necessary to develop a successful career in several areas of renewable energy with a multidisciplinary approach.
The content of our Master´s Program is in line with The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and can help to achieve the Goal of Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7) and Climate Acction (SDG13), as well as the rest SDGs in relation with Energy for Sustainable Development.
- Mode: In-Person Classes
- Language: Spanish
- Length: 9 months (Classes: 1October – 30June)
- Timetable: Afternoom (18.30 – 21.30) from Monday to Friday
- Credits: 60 ECTS (450h lective)
Block I. General Aspects of Renewable Energies | ECTS |
Module 1: Energy Markets | 3 |
Module 2: Energy Storage | 1.5 |
Module 3: Renewable Energy Resources | 1.5 |
Block II. Distributed Renewable Energies | ECTS |
Module 4: Low-Temperature Renewable Energies | 3 |
Module 5: Autonomous Energy Systems and MicroGrids | 3 |
Module 6: Photovoltaic Self-Consumption | 5 |
Module 7: Energy Efficiency in buildings and industries | 3 |
Block III. Renewable Energy Power Plants | ECTS |
Module 8: Photovoltaic Power Plants | 3 |
Module 9: OnShore Wind Power Plants | 3 |
Module 10: Evaluation of OnShore Wind Energy Potential | 1.5 |
Module 11: OffShore Wind Power Plants | 2 |
Module 12: Mini-Hydro and Marine Power Plants | 1.5 |
Module 13: Solar Thermal and Biomass Energy Power Plants | 2 |
Module 14: Grid Integration of Renewable Energy | 1.5 |
Module 15: Energy Storage and Hybrid Plants | 3 |
Block IV. New energy models for energy transition | ECTS |
Module 16: Green Hydrogen Technologies | 2 |
Module 17: Renewable Energy for Transportation | 3 |
Module 18: Sustainability of Renewable Energies | 3 |
Module 19: Universal Energy Access | 1.5 |
Conferences | 1 |
Master’s Final Degree Thesis | 12 |
Wind WAsP
T-SOL Valentine
All the Information about Máster ERMA-UPM
Análisis del potencial de hibridación de parques eólicos-solares en España
Evaluación de la autonomía energética de la isla de Formentera mediante la instalación de energías renovables con producción hidrógeno como almacenamiento
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Guadalajara al mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Guadalajara al mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster
Estudio de viabilidad de hibridación eólica y solar analizando la posibilidad de almacenamiento en Andalucía
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Madrid al Trabajo Fin de Máster más innovador
Proyecto de implantación y comparación técnica, ambiental y económica de cuatro parques eólicos (Onshore) de 30 MW en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Dimensionado y análisis de planta solar fotovoltaica con almacenamiento en España para venta de energía
Cristina Aragón Malo
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduadaos e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Guadalajara al mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster
Análisis técnico, económico y medioambiental sobre plantas fotovoltaicas flotantes y su potencial implementación
José Ángel Lagos Conejo
Autoconsumo fotovoltaico en un edificio industrial. Solución sin y con almacenamiento
Paula Mateos Encinas
Análisis de viabilidad económica del autoconsumo fotovoltaico residencial con vehículo eléctrico en Madrid
Manuel Rebollo Reviriego
Alejandro Torrubia Bercebal
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Madrid al mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster
Proyecto de Instalación Renovable Híbrida (Solar + Eólica)
Fatima Gomez Molina
Instalación fotovoltaica de tejado con paneles solares de alta eficiencia
Jorge Pablo Muñiz Miguel
Estíbaliz Pascua Iturrate
PREMIO Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Madrid al mejor Trabajo Fin de Máster
Diseño de una central de aprovechamiento de energía del oleaje mediante un convertidor de columna de agua oscilante onshore
Sara Carlota Llinares Miñana
Seguridad de suministro en sistemas eléctricos con alto grado de participación de tecnologías renovables
Miguel Duvison Santiago
Train for the Clean Energy Transition
- Credits: 60 ECTS (450 lective hours)
- Mode: In-Person Education (theory&practice)
- Language: Spanish
- Length: 9 months (Classes: 1October – 30June)
- Timetable: Afternoon (18.30 – 21.30) from Monday to Friday
- Master’s final degree project: Mandatory (12 ECTS)
- Profesional Software: Personal Software Licences
- Technical visits to singular renewable energy installations
- Entry Requirements: Graduate Degree
- Requirement: Own a Laptop Computer
- Tuition Fee: EUR 6.480 (Fees can be payable in six instalments spread throughout the course)
- Matriculation Period: 1 July to 30 September
Admission Process
The Master Secretary will inform the candidate of the instructions needed to reserve and matriculate indicating the necessary documentation to be submitted and the deadline for this to be completed.
A NON-REFUNDABLE place reservation fee of 480€ must be paid in 10 days after the admission communication.
- Sep-15: 1.480€ (1.000€ if pay place reservation fee)
- Nov-15: 1.000€
- Jan-15: 1.000€
- Feb-15: 1.000€
- Mar-15: 1.000€
- Apr-15: 1.000€